Kerri LEE | Kerri LEE
A human being is far from the perfection, and it will never be perfect. However, modern people experience agony, frustration, and hope in their search for perfection from the thin border between ‘perfection’ and ‘imperfection’ that were drawn with limited perspectives from their past knowledge and experiences.
With the combination of these internal feelings, human being experiences the internal malaise. These experiences are defined as a series of ‘fever’, and visualized as unrealistic images within the works. In other words, the best and the worst parts of human nature, such as confusion, agony, and love are described as ‘the lump of fever,’ in this work, and it is also considered as immature for it is easily destroyed and changed as time goes by. Therefore, the images layered within the art works are created with the methods like cumulating, destroying, creating and demolishing, and which are represented in the abstract images.
The modern society pursuing the ‘perfection’, and the modern people that merely chasing the ‘perfection’. Finding the internal conflict and the vulnerability in the hidden side of the modern people, and extending the substantial meaning of the human nature are the fundamental intents of this work, and these are also the process of growing the art works.

M. F. A / HongIk University / Painting / Seoul, Korea (2017)
B. F. A / Long Island University / Fine Art / New York, USA (2013_ Magna Cum Laude)
2016 Here and Now / Art Space J / Korea
2013 Fever, Dreaming II / Oms Art / New York
2012 Fever, Dreaming I/ HSAL Gallery / New York
2017 One Way Ticket / Gallery4Walls (Imperial Palace hotel) / Korea
2016 Spoon Art Show / Solo Show_ GALERIE KUNSTKUMPLEX / Kintex / Korea
2016 International Invited Exhibition / Yonsei Univ, Muahk Rotary Exhibition Hall / Korea
2016 Asia Hotel Art Fair (AHAF) / JW Marriott hotel Seoul / Korea
2016 Plastic Art Seoul (PLAS) _Young Artist’s New Leap / COEX / Korea
2016 Art For My Home / Art Space J /Korea
2016 Hongik University, Painting dept _ M.F.A Thesis Exhibition / HOMA / Korea
2016 Two Person Exhibition_ Visible but Invisible(신진작가후원전시)/ Art Hall Resh / Korea
2015 Seoul Art Show 2015 / COEX / Korea
2015 Seoul Design Festival / Kimreeaa Gallery Seoul / Korea
2015 Majoongmool Art Market / Kimreeaa Gallery Seoul / Korea
2015 HIAX10_Tense / Hongik Museum of Art / Korea
2015 Relationship, and Tension Of Five Senses / Gallery H / Korea
2014 A.I.R / BD Gallery / Korea
2014 GPS 感展 / Hongik Museum of Art / Korea
2014 HAIX9_True Color/ Hongik Museum of Art / Korea
2013 Market Show / Jung Art Gallery / Korea
2013 EV Project_Colors /Emoa Space Gallery / New York
2012 One Year Anniversary Exhibition / Gallery OMS / New York
2016 Artist Introduction (Winner of ‘ Young Artist Of The Year Award’) /
‘Access Magazine’ _ p58-p61 / Korea, German
2016 Gamma Young Artist Competition /
Winner of ‘ Young Artist Of The Year Award ’/ Hong Kong / Korea
2016 Collaboration / ‘Living Sense Magazine’ Jan issue,/ Korea
2013 B.F.A Degree, Magna Cum Laude / LIU POST / New York
2012 Award of Appreciation / Bank Asiana / New York